Aisha Bibi Mausoleum
Aisha Bibi Mausoleum is one of the most important historical and architectural monuments of Karakhanid era.

Ak Meshit cave
Ak Meshit cave is one of the largest caves in Central Asia and is considered a sacred place.

Akorda is the presidential residence in the capital Astana.

Aksu Jabagli National Reserve
Aksu Jabagli National Reserve is located in the foothills of the western Tien Shan, between Turkestan and Zhambyl region, on a total area of more than 131,000 hectares.

Akyrtas stone complex
Akyrtas stone complex consist of the ruins of a construction made of huge stones and considered truly mysterious.

Alakol Biosphere Reserve
Alakol Biosphere Reserve is located in the central part of the Alakol valley in the south of Kazakhstan.

Almaty city
Almaty is the largest city in Kazakhstan, which until 1997 was the capital of the republic. To date the city remains the financial, economic and cultural center of the country.

Almaty metro
The Almaty metro is one of the most beautiful in the world.

Almaty Zoo
The Almaty Zoo is one of the oldest zoological parks in Kazakhstan, located on an area of 21 hectares.

Altyn Emel National Natural Park
Altyn Emel National Natural Park is one of the must-see places for tourists visiting Kazakhstan.

Aral Sea
In the 20th century, the Aral Sea was one of the largest reservoirs in the world. Many tourists from all over the Soviet Union came to the beaches of the Aral Sea.

Archaeological complex Tamgaly
Archaeological complex of Tamgaly - one of the oldest historical monuments of rock art.

Assy Plateau
The high mountain plateau of Assy is a picturesque oasis located 100 km from Almaty at an altitude of 2800 meters above sea level in Zailiyskiy Alatau.

Astana city
Astana is the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Azret Sultan Museum
Azret Sultan Museum is part of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage and is considered the main attraction of Turkestan.

Baikonur cosmodrome
Baikonur cosmodrome is the world's first and largest operational space complex.

Baiterek monument
The Baiterek monument is a main symbol of the capital of Kazakhstan.

Bartogai reservoir
Bartogai reservoir is located in the Bartogai tract of the Almaty region at an altitude of 1010 meters. It is surrounded by the majestic mountains of Sogety in the west and Toraigyr in the east.

Big Almaty Lake
The Big Almaty Lake is located in the south part of the country in the mountains of Trans-Ili Alatau at an altitude of 2510 meters.

Burabay National Natural Park
The Burabay National Natural Park is located in the north of Kazakhstan in Akmola region.

Burgulyuk tract
Burgulyuk tract is located in the spurs of the Tien Shan in the south of Kazakhstan, at an altitude of 1100 meters.

Burkhan Bulak
Burkhan Bulak is considered the highest waterfall in Kazakhstan.

Butakovskoe gorge
Butakovskoe gorge is located in the picturesque mountains of Trans Ili Alatau in the territory of Almaty.

Central State Museum
The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan is situated in the heart of Almaty. It is one of the largest museums in the country.

Charyn Canyon
Charyn canyon is famous for its impressive colorful mountain formations of various shapes and sizes.

Derevyannoe lake
Derevyannoe lake is located at an altitude of 519 m in the Uygur district near the village of Charyn.The name "Derevyannoe" in translation from Russian means "wooden".

Domalak Ana Mausoleum
Domalak Ana Mausoleum is an architectural monument built in the 11th century.

Eshkiolmes archaeological complex
Eshkiolmes archaeological complex is largest accumulation of petroglyphs, remains of settlements and burial grounds of different eras.

Geological Museum
The Geological Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan is located in Almaty. The museum presents unique collections of minerals and rocks represented by more than 2500 exhibits.

Gorkiy Park
The Gorky Park is a leisure area for many residents of Almaty. On its territory there are an amusement park, a stadium, a water park, restaurants and other cultural facilities.

Green Bazaar
Green Bazaar is a large market with a rich history, located in the center of Almaty in Kazakhstan. Trade on the site of this bazaar began in 1868.

Ile Alatau National Natural Park
Ile Alatau National Natural Park is located on the northern slope of the Zailiyskiy Alatau, south of Almaty.The purpose of the park is to preserve the unique landscapes, flora, and fauna.

Kapchagai reservoir
Kapchagai reservoir is considered one of the largest in Kazakhstan. There are several hotels, water attractions and the largest water park in the Almaty region.

Karatau State Nature Reserve
Karatau State Nature Reserve often attracts the groups of tourists,lovers of wildlife and outdoor enthusiasts.

Kasteev Museum of Art
The Kasteev Museum of Art is the country's largest art museum. It is located in the “southern capital” of Kazakhstan Almaty.

Kazak Eli monument
The Kazak Eli monument is located in the center of the capital of Kazakhstan on Independence Square.

Khan Shatyr
Khan Shatyr is a popular shopping and entertainment center, included in the list of the best eco-buildings in the world according to Forbes Style magazine.

Khazret Sultan mosque
The largest mosque in Central Asia is Khazret Sultan in Astana.

Kok Tobe
Kok Tobe is a famous mountain located close to Almaty at an altitude of 1130 meters above sea level.

Kok Zhailyau
Kok Zhailau is one of the most popular tourist destinations in southern Kazakhstan.

Kolsay lakes
Kolsay lakes are considered as one of the most beautiful corners of Kazakhstan.

Lake Borovoe
Lake Borovoe located in the north of Kazakhstan in the Akmola region on the territory of the Burabay National Natural Park.

Lake Issyk
Lake Issyk was formed as a result of a rock fall and the creation of a natural dam of 300 meters’ height.

Lake Kaindy
Lake Kaindy is one of the most popular tourist sites in Kazakhstan.

Lake Kyzyl Kol
Lake Kyzyl Kol is located in a semi-desert zone, in the east of the Turkestan region.

Mangyshlak Peninsula
Mangyshlak Peninsula is located in the southwestern part of Kazakhstan on the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea.

Mausoleum of Arystanbab
The majestic mausoleum of Arystanbab, the legendary religious figure of the 12th century, was erected in Otrar, 150 kilometers from the city of Shymkent.

Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi
Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi was erected by order of Tamerlane on the grave of the poet Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, who had a great influence on Islam in Central Asia.

Medeo skating rink
Medeo is an outdoor skating rink located in the middle of the majestic mountains on the southeastern part of Almaty and considered the world's largest alpine ice rink.

Military Historical Museum
The Military Historical Museum was established in 1993 and is part of the Almaty State Historical and Architectural Reserve.

Monument of Independence
The Independence Monument of Kazakhstan is located on the central square of Almaty. The author of the project is the honored architect of the republic Shota Valikhanov.

Museum of Almaty
The Museum of Almaty is a large scientific and cultural center founded in 2001. The museum collection contains about 35 thousand exhibits.

Museum of Archeology
The Museum of Archeology is located in the Gylym Ordasy complex and is the only one of its kind in Kazakhstan.

Museum of Musical Instruments
The Museum of Musical Instruments is located in the Park of 28 Panfilov Guardsmen in Almaty. The museum displays more than 40 varieties of Kazakh folk musical instruments and over 400 exhibits.

Museum of Railway Transport
The Museum of Railway Transport was founded in 1999 and is still considered the largest museum in Kazakhstan by area.

National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the largest museum in Central Asia.

Palace of Peace and Reconciliation
The Palace of Peace and Reconciliation is one of the main attractions of Astana.

Palace of the Republic
The Palace of the Republic is one of the main concert halls in Kazakhstan and a popular attraction in Almaty.

Park named after 28 Panfilov guardsmen
Park named after 28 Panfilov guardsmen is one of the popular tourist places in the city of Almaty.

Park named after the First President
The park named after the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is located in Almaty in the Bostandyk district.

Republic Square
Republic Square serves as a place to organize the mass events, festivals, parades, rallies and demonstrations in Almaty.

Sairam Ugam National Park
Sairam Ugam National Park has a big variety of landscapes, starting from the steppes and ending by the glaciers.

Shymbulak ski resort
Shymbulak, also known as Chimbulak, is a popular ski resort located close to the city of Almaty. It is known as one of the largest ski resorts in Central Asia.

Shymkent city
Shymkent is a large industrial and commercial center located in the south of Kazakhstan.

State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater
State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater considered one of the leading opera houses in Kazakhstan.

Tamgaly Tas
Tamgaly Tas is famous for its rocks where many petroglyphs with Buddhist inscriptions or images of mystical divine beings are carved.

Taraz city
Taraz, one of the oldest cities in Kazakhstan, is located in the south of the country in the valley of the Talas River.

Turkestan city
Turkestan is one of the most ancient cities located in the south of Kazakhstan.

Ungurtas is located in Zhambyl district, about 85 km from Almaty. Tourists from all over the world and numerous pilgrims come here every year.

Zenkov Cathedral
Zenkov Cathedral, also known as the Holy Ascension Cathedral, is one of the most significant symbols of Almaty.

Zhambyl Kazakh State Philharmonic
The Kazakh Philharmonic named after Zhambyl - creative association founded in 1935.