Myths and legends

Legend about Samarkand flatbread

Myths and legends of Uzbekistan | Travel Land The most delicious bread in the world is considered to be the Samarkand flatbread. A real Samarkand flatbread should be usable for three years. There is a legend that the Bukhara Khan really liked the Samarkand flatbread and he ordered his bakers to bake them in Bukhara, but no matter how hard the bakers tried, the taste was not the same.

Then Khan invited a Samarkand baker and again the taste was not the same. Then, by order of the khan, all the necessary products for baking flatbread were brought from Samarkand, but again the taste was not the same.

Angered, the Bukhara khan asked the Samarkand baker what was the matter. The baker replied: “The air is not the same!”.  The khan smiled and let him go. There was no choice.

Since then, Samarkand flatbreads have been delivered from Samarkand.

The legend of Uzbek pilaf

There is a very interNational cuisine of Uzbekistanesting legend about the appearance of this dish and its name.

One day in the 10th century, a prince suddenly fell ill in Bukhara. Many doctors tried to cure him, but could not determine his illness in any way.

Then the Khan invited Abu Ali ibn Sina (Avicenna), who was famous for his talent to determine the disease by pulse. After the examination, ibn Sina realizes that the cause of his illness is love. And she is unhappy because the girl was the daughter of a craftsman from a very simple family. Ibn Sina said that there are two ways to cure him – it is to marry two young people and the second to feed him a very high-calorie dish.

The dish consisted of 7 ingredients: piez (onion), aez (carrot), lahm (meat), olie (fat), vet (salt), ob (water) and shaly (rice). The prince was fed this dish for 7 days and he got better, and on the 8th day they got married.

And the name of the dish appeared from the first letters of 7 ingredients “palov osh”.

The legend of 40 Amazon girls “Kyrk-kyz”

This legend tells about 40 warrior girls who defended the castle from the siege of enemies. For many days and nights the brave girls fought with the enemies waiting for help.

The leader was Gauhar. She lost almost all of her warriors and gathering her last strength, mortally wounded, went out to the enemies, a bloody helmet fell from her head and her long, luxurious and beautiful hair fell on her shoulder. Everyone froze in amazement.

Gauhar raised her saber and shouted loudly calling the leader to a fair fight. The enemy leader was surprised by the girl’s courage, he got closer  and saw his death in her eyes. He bowed and kissed her hand and turned his army away.

The brave Gauhar watched him go, the last thing she saw was the riders rushing to help.