Miri Arab Madrasah

Miri Arab Madrasah is an Islamic educational-spiritual, educational-memorial and religious building of the XVI century in Bukhara, which is part of the architectural ensemble of Poy Kalyan. It is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

It is believed that the Miri Arab Madrasah was built in the first third of the XVI century by order of Sheikh Said Abdullah al-Yamani Hazaramavti. The exact date of the start of construction is still unknown. Someone believes that the building was erected in 1535 — 1536. Others claim that the madrasah was built to commemorate the victory of the Sheibanid army over the troops of the Safavid Shah Ismail I in the Battle of Gijduvan, won in 1512.

Now Miri Arab Madrasah is one of the main religious educational institutions in Bukhara, where future imams and religious mentors study.

Miri Arab is a two—storey building with 114 hujras (cells) and a couple of halls, which is the second largest among all Bukhara madrasahs.