After traveling to Uzbekistan, the names of places or historical facts about the country may be forgotten, but the delicious Uzbek cuisine and hospitality will certainly be remembered and will remain in memory forever.
For Uzbeks, a guest is the most desired and respected person, who will be always welcomed and treated with all the dishes that they have at home.
The roots of hospitality go deep into history. Going on the road, the ancient traveler often was alone in the endless desert or steppe. On the way, he might run out of food and drink, but there was hope that the families he met along the way would invite him and feed him. The hosts had no right to refuse to help the travelers. It was considered a disgrace for the family to refuse a guest and not show him due respect.
To this day, hospitality is an integral part of Uzbek culture. If you travel to Uzbekistan and you are invited to visit an Uzbek family, come at the appointed time. It is customary to take small gifts with you (sweets, fruits, cake, etc.). When entering the house, be sure to take off your shoes at the doorstep. It is very important to greet all the guests and hosts. Men greet each other with a handshake. The rest are greeted at a distance with a slight nod of the head and the right palm applied to the heart.
Inviting all the guests to the table, the owner seats them in a hierarchy. The most respected guest is seated as far as possible from the entrance. According to the ancient custom, men and women should sit at different tables, but this tradition has been preserved to a greater extent only in the villages.
An important element of hospitality is the tea ceremony. Every meal begins and ends with it.