National clothing


Kyrgyz national clothing has remained unchanged for seven hundred years. The clothing of the Kyrgyz people is the main part of the material and spiritual culture of the people. All the outfits are closely connected with the history of the people – they clearly reflected the social status, marital status, and age of the person. A distinctive feature of national clothes is their adaptability to the conditions of nomadic life and horseback riding.

National Men’s Clothing

Kyrgyz men’s clothing consisted of underwear and outerwear. There were several varieties of men’s trousers made of leather or suede – “zhargak shym”, “kandagai”, “chalbar”. Such harem pants were worn by heroes and rich people. They sewed them so wide that dressing gowns were freely filled in them. Winter clothes were fur coats called “ichik”. By the way, Kyrgyz people especially appreciated fur coats from wild animals such as wolves, foxes, lynxes, and others. An ancient type of men’s shoes was “choka” ankle boots and a “charyk” rations of leather, hats: “tebetei”, “kalpak” and “malakai” pecial fit.

National Women’s Clothing

Women’s wardrobe also consisted of both underwear and outerwear. On the chest of women’s shirts there was always an embroidery, and if it was not worn, a “Jacques” breastplate embroidered with colored thread. Unique elements of women’s clothing were a swing skirt – “beldemchi”. Men were also used as “combat clothes”, but in such cases they were covered with metal plates.

Girls hats were usually decorated with feathers of birds, various ornaments were sewn to them: silver, pearls, corals and other precious stones. There were such types of hats as a skullcap – “top”, a fur hat – “tabeteus”, a high headdress without ear-flaps “shөkүlө” and a headdress of an “elechek” turban. The headdress of the “elechek”, “kelek” or “ileki” included “takya” or “kep takya”, which was worn on the head before wrapping a turban. A short or long sleeveless jacket – “chyptama”, a camisole with short sleeves – “Kemels”, a dressing gown – “Chapan”, a quilted dressing gown – “Chepken” were put on over the shirt dress.