The Terskey Ala-Too mountain range is famous for the fact that in the northeast it is located a picturesque mountain lake. The water in Kol Ukok is very icy. The pond is relatively shallow. The distance from the surface of the water to the bottom is, on average, 17 meters. The nature of the coast is very quiet and calm.
This area serves as a habitat for all kinds of wild animals. Mountain goats, marmots, foxes and wolves are found in large numbers here. Emerald spaces of meadows are the “home” for many of the most diverse representatives of the flora. The famous mountain edelweiss grows here.
In summer, shepherds set up small Yurt settlements in the vicinity of the lake. Local jailoo (pastures) are able to feed huge herds of livestock.
Kol-Ukok Lake, located in the Naryn region. Although a special permit is required to visit Kol Ukok, the lake area has become one of the most popular places for trekking enthusiasts in Kyrgyzstan.